A new edition is so much more than fact checking…

Oahu Revealed 4th Edition Guidebook for Travelers We’re real excited about our new 4th edition of Oahu Revealed: The Ultimate Guide to Honolulu, Waikiki & Beyond. In addition to the gobs of new restaurants (still trying to work off the last of those cheesecake reviews), we have lots of new activities (that jetpack using water jets is pretty cool), a great waterfall hike, and we had a blast night snorkeling all over the island to find two good spots that visitors can enjoy after dark without risking getting clobbered by the ocean. Found some great new companies as well as some really terrible ones that we’ll steer you away from. The amount of changes from our third edition was staggering. Even though we’re constantly tweaking the books with every printing, adding changes and pulling out and adding in new business, a new edition is nearly as daunting as the process of making the book from scratch as we did on the first edition. We literally go through every single solitary detail, review vast amounts of new businesses as well as re-review old ones. With our apps we also have to GPS every single road on our maps, all the trails and all the businesses in our books. (No, we don’t use Google for that. We have to do it on our own. Long story.) Hope you enjoy reading and using it. We sure had fun living it…

Hawaii Polo Trail Rides: Sunshine Trail Ride

If you dream of riding a horse along a Hawaiian beach, Hawai‘i Polo Trail Rides comes close to fulfilling that fantasy. While most of the trail is on private land behind the beach rather than directly on the sand, the scenery is still breathtaking.
Andrew Doughty - Author
Andrew Doughty

Andrew Doughty is the famous author of the widely popular Hawaii Revealed series including Kauai Revealed, Oahu Revealed, Maui Revealed and the Big Island Revealed. He moved to Kauai many years ago after he fell in love with the beauty of the islands and decided to never go back. He is known for his candid opinion on each of Hawaii’s attractions, be it a restaurant, a helicopter ride, a beach or a resort. For the last two decades, he has managed to keep his identity anonymous so that his reviews can remain unbiased and only be influenced by his own opinions and thoughts. You can learn more about his beautiful journey at this link – About the author


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