The difference between a great vacation and a bad one…

Hawaii All-Inclusive Vacation PackagesYour selection of where to stay is one of the more important decisions you’ll make in planning your Hawai‘i vacation. To some, it’s just a place to sleep and rather meaningless. To others, it’s the difference between a great vacation and a bad one. In this day of easy-to-access online reviews from countless sources, you can get “ratings” for nearly every travel website out there.

What you get from our reviews is a single source, beholden to none, and with a comprehensive exposure to all of the resorts. There are two critical shortcomings to online reviews. One is that you don’t know the source or agenda of the reviewer. Nearly every resort, vacation rental or B&B thinks they are doing a good job. (But as you know, not everyone does.) So who can blame a hotel for trying to rig the system by seeding good reviews of their accommodation at every opportunity? Many also encourage satisfied customers to write favorable online reviews (obviously not encouraging unhappy customers to do so). But maybe their competitors retaliate with bad reviews. The point is, you never really know where those reviews come from, and it’s almost impossible to reconcile terrible reviews right next to glowing ones for the same resort. Which do you believe?

The other problem is a lack of a frame of reference. A visitor stays at a resort has a great time. (Hey, he was on the beach in Hawai‘i—cool!) When he goes back home, he posts good reviews all around. That’s great. But the problem is, he only stayed at one resort. We do ’em all. If only he’d known that another resort (he didn’t even know about) had much better rooms, way better food, and a spectacular pool for the same price or less. Find your perfect place to stay… by selecting “Resort Reviews” on your chosen island.  

Kauai Island Resort Reviews

Maui Island Resort Reviews

Big Island Resort Reviews

Oahu Island Resort Reviews


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