Backyard pests…

Hawaiian pigs huddled together in a cageWhat kind of yard pests do you put up with? Frisky cats screeching in the night? Neighbor’s dog leaving droppings on your lawn? C’mon, spare me. Here in Hawaii our yard pests are a bit more destructive. At left is a photo of some of what we hauled out of our yard yesterday. A total of TEN little and not-so-little piggies. This is not from some remote ranch or out in the country. This is a residential neighborhood. And while you may get annoyed taking the shovel to droppings on your lawn, imagine what damage these buggas do to a yard. So, you may ask… What kind of bait does one use to lure marauding pigs into a trap? What is irresistible enough to attract TEN pigs into a situation from which they can’t escape? What does a Hawaiian pig hunter use to guarantee success? Answer—donuts. Nobody can resist donuts. (Thought we’d tempt a few local police officers too, but we planned to let ’em go if we did.)

Kipu Ranch Adventures

Kipu Ranch Adventures is our top choice for ATV tours. Their most popular tour, the 3-hour Off-Road Ranch Tour features the stunning Ha‘upu Range backdrop, wooded areas along the Raiders of the Lost Ark stream, and a rare view of Kipu Kai. They also offer a waterfall tour.
Anyway, the bait worked and now there are ten less piggies terrorizing the neighborhood. So next time you get a pest in your yard, remember. It could be worse…
Andrew Doughty - Author
Andrew Doughty
Andrew Doughty is the famous author of the widely popular Hawaii Revealed series including Kauai Revealed, Oahu Revealed, Maui Revealed and the Big Island Revealed. He moved to Kauai many years ago after he fell in love with the beauty of the islands and decided to never go back. He is known for his candid opinion on each of Hawaii’s attractions, be it a restaurant, a helicopter ride, a beach or a resort. For the last two decades, he has managed to keep his identity anonymous so that his reviews can remain unbiased and only be influenced by his own opinions and thoughts. You can learn more about his beautiful journey at this link – About the author

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