Where to Stay: Maui

Where to Stay: Maui

The islands of Hawai‘i might be the most exotic place in the United States. Especially when compared to the rest of the U.S.—you can’t get much further from familiar territory. One of the questions I get asked the most about traveling to the Hawaiian Islands is...
Where to Stay: O‘ahu

Where to Stay: O‘ahu

The islands of Hawai‘i might be the most exotic place in the United States. Especially when compared to the rest of the U.S.—you can’t get much further from familiar territory. One of the questions I get asked the most about traveling to the Hawaiian Islands is...
Where to Stay: Kaua‘i

Where to Stay: Kaua‘i

The islands of Hawai‘i might be the most exotic place in the United States. Especially when compared to the rest of the U.S.—you can’t get much further from familiar territory. One of the questions I get asked the most about traveling to the Hawaiian Islands is...
National Parks Revealed: New Drive Tours

National Parks Revealed: New Drive Tours

Aloha, fellow travelers! It’s finally happened—new locations and new adventures from Revealed Travel Guides! Up to this point, I’ve been pretty island-centric when it comes to travel guides. (Okay, so Las Vegas isn’t an island, people in Hawai‘i just...
The Legend of Hawaii’s Night Marchers

The Legend of Hawaii’s Night Marchers

In the shadows of Hawai‘i’s moonlit nights, there’s a haunting legend that is well known to the people of the islands—that’s the legend of the Night Marchers. These spectral warriors, known as “huaka’i po” in Hawaiian, are said to be the...
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