So, you’re in Hawai‘i for Thanksgiving. Besides the natural and cultural beauty, this is a place that takes dining seriously. It’s a good spot to be for a holiday built around eating. Should you search for a traditional experience or try something new?...
People come to Maui for the ocean, palm trees and balmy weather. So why on earth would you want to use up one of your precious vacation days in the center of the island where you won’t find any of that? Simple. This part of the island has green, rolling hills,...
The Southwest is one of the best regions in the United States for stargazing. There are plenty of wide, open spaces between cities where the stars really shine at night. When people call Las Vegas the “City of Lights” they aren’t referring to the night sky, but the...
Got a snorkel? Got a mask? Cool, ‘cause we’re diving into some of the best snorkeling spots on Big Island. If you’ve got fins and a sense of adventure, you’re about to embark on an aquatic journey. My Favorite Snorkel Spots on the Big Island Kealakekua Bay Beyond the...
So you’re in Hawai‘i and want to eat some local cuisine. The options can be overwhelming, with most everyplace having at least one item that’s considered a local dish. (Heck, even McDonald’s carried saimin—the Hawaiian version of ramen—until...
O‘ahu is the center of surfing in the islands, some say the world. And that’s as it should be. This is where it was invented, this is where it was exported from, this is where so many great surf sites are, this is where the surfing culture thrives, and this is where...