So, I was reading an article in The New York Times about online reviews. The title was “The Best Book Reviews Money Can Buy.” It was about how reviews on and others are often faked reviews that authors and publishers actually pay for. Whole companies exist...
What are the requirements for flying into and visiting Hawai‘i? A plane ticket, and that’s it! On March 26, 2022 the governor dropped all restrictions, testing requirements, vaccine cards to show and the indoor mask mandate. You are one lucky traveler. You...
Kilauea Volcano Eruption – Until 2018 I would have said probably yes. Now, maybe yes and maybe no. It’s started erupting in Kilauea Crater at Halema‘uma‘u at the end of September 2021, but who knows how long that will last. The truth is, I don’t know if...
Your selection of where to stay is one of the more important decisions you’ll make in planning your Hawai‘i vacation. To some, it’s just a place to sleep and rather meaningless. To others, it’s the difference between a great vacation and a bad one. In this day of...
When you think about Hawaiian agriculture, what comes to mind, probably pineapple, right? How about coffee. Hawaii is the only state in the United States that commercially produces coffee. Yup, it’s true, but the coffee produced here won’t be available from the drive...
Ok, so if you’ve been to a Lu‘au, you have most likely tried Kalua pork. In a traditional setting it takes days to prepare and requires a fire, lava rocks, banana stalks, chicken wire and a lot of other stuff you might not find in your local Whole Foods....