by Andrew Doughty | Jan 19, 2015 | Blog
When dining in Hawai´i, a lot of the more affordable options you will encounter are in local food restaurants (local kine grindz, brah). We point out in the dining chapters that local food is generally combinations of Hawaiian, American, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino...
by Andrew Doughty | Jan 15, 2015 | Blog
Coconut water is all the rage in the beverage world these days. As trendy as it has become, Polynesians have known the benefits of coconut water for millennia. Just to clear something up, coconut water is what you get when you open up a fresh, green coconut. Coconut...
by Andrew Doughty | Dec 24, 2013 | Blog
Just completed a flight to the mainland. I was in the crying baby section. The poor Mom was beside herself with embarrassment and apologizing to all around. But her 2-year old was not to be silenced. (I wanted console her by saying that he probably will have a great...
by Andrew Doughty | Mar 25, 2013 | Blog
People get hurt on vacation…People get killed at beaches without lifeguards…Responsible guidebooks will keep anything from their readers that might get them hurt…Don’t tell them where the good stuff is…Don’t expose them to anything...
by Andrew Doughty | Dec 3, 2012 | Blog
What kind of yard pests do you put up with? Frisky cats screeching in the night? Neighbor’s dog leaving droppings on your lawn? C’mon, spare me. Here in Hawaii our yard pests are a bit more destructive. At left is a photo of some of what we hauled out of...
by Andrew Doughty | Jun 22, 2012 | Blog
So, I am looking at my Facebook page… my personal one, not the business, and I see this photo pop up of Kaua‘i that looks incredibly familiar. Immediately, I knew who took it, how and where. Heck, I even helped NAME it. So when you see these images floating...