Hawai’i has meat-eating caterpillars. Did I get your attention? The only place in the world where evolution took this bizarre turn for the normally cute caterpillar, moth caterpillars in the genus Eupithecia catch and eat other insects. First discovered in 1972,...
Hawai‘i is loaded with spectacular hikes, including numerous waterfalls and breathtaking vistas. With all this beauty, you probably won’t spend much time researching the safety of some of these places. After all, you’re on vacation, and you’ve got to soak up as much...
The food truck phenomenon is alive and well here in the Rainbow State. Not that it ever really had to catch on here. Back in the sugar plantation days of the late 19th century, food trucks fed the workers with foods as varied as the resident’s backgrounds. These...
We at Hawaii Revealed are adventurous. Not just in our search for hikes, waterfalls and reefs, but also when it comes to dining. Hawai‘i is such a unique place in the world and the blending of cultures over time has brought some amazing food to the table, so to speak....
The islands of Hawai‘i are the most geographically isolated landmass on the planet. These mountain-islands, rising high out of the Pacific Ocean, actually create weather around them and also have some of the most varied environments anywhere. It has been said that...
There are countless hours put into every sentence in our books. But double that amount of time (we know…how can you double something we describe as infinite?) for the pictures you see amongst the text. The pictures you see in our books can take hours, even days to...