The introduction of the mongoose to Hawaii is a fascinating yet cautionary tale about the unintended consequences of human intervention in ecosystems. In the late 19th century, the mongoose was brought to Hawaii with good intentions but ended up causing significant...
Hawaii, often referred to as the “Paradise of the Pacific,” is renowned for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and an abundance of beautiful, unique flowers. The islands’ tropical climate provides the perfect environment for a variety...
The Great Smoky Mountains Hot Air Balloon Festival, set for August 17, is a captivating event that merges the breathtaking scenery of the Smokies with the timeless allure of hot air balloons. Held annually, this festival has become a favorite for locals and tourists...
The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris has begun—and five Hawaiʻi-born athletes are competing in two sports for Team USA. These Hawaii Olympians are competing in sports that are beloved in the Aloha State—surfing and volleyball! Here’s the athletes in brief, in...
As most people know, the town of Lahaina suffered a catastrophic fire last year, August 8th, 2023. We at Hawai‘i Revealed are heartbroken and still reeling from the loss of life and the loss of the historic town. It is almost impossible to grasp the extent to which...
Exploring Hawaii is like stepping into a paradise of diverse landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. But with so much to see and do, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s where an audio tour comes in. Here’s why an audio tour is the best way to...